Schwartzberg, Natalie, Kathy Berliner, and Demaris Jacob. Single in a Married World: A Life Cycle Framework for Working with the Unmarried Adult. W.W. Norton, l995.Written for professional therapists, this book is well researched and written, and helps illuminate some of the emotional sticking points that single clients may struggle with around becoming more confident in making choices that are right for them.
Lewis, Karen Gail. With or Without a Man: Single Women Taking Control of Their Lives.Bull Publishing Co., c 2001.Grounded in her research on single women (ages 30-65), Lewis provides many exercises that help women identify self-blame and negative messages, as well as address certain tasks that allow them take charge of their lives. Lewis also has written a companion workbook that contains exercises that help single women identify and overcome self defeating thinking, and take charge of their lives.
Xavier Amador, Ph.D. and Kiersky, Judith. Being Single in a Couples’ World: How to be Happily Single While Looking for Love.Free Press c 1998.Written for both men and women, this book contains exercises that help you identify “Personal and Cultural Marriage Scripts” which are the subtle and not so subtle ways you may blame yourself for who and how you are, and guidelines for living in the present.
Self Esteem-What is it?This site contains useful discussions of self-esteem, boundaries, loneliness, and self-acceptance. Contains practical ways to strengthen confidence and self esteem.