1. Describe the characteristics of a girl/guy you’re willing to approach
Kind Eyes, not afraid to meet and hold my gaze, nice smile, someone who offers all the signals that they are interested (e.g. they don’t look away). Someone who is smiling a lot and has an open stance (no crossed arms).
2. What do these characteristics tell you about the girl/guy?
They are comfortable in their own body. They won’t reject me if I talk to them. They are confident. They are attractive and they are aware of their attractiveness but not conceited. They are open to meeting someone new.
3. What signals/characteristics prevent you from approaching someone?
Crossed arms. Closed Stance. Looking away. Meeting my gaze and then averting their eyes. Looking at the ground. Frowning or no expression. If they are loud or boisterous.
4. How do you feel when someone approaches you?
Flattered. Grateful. Surprised. Relieved. Men like it when women approach them. They wish it would happen more often. Men are sure they’ll be rejected if they approach the woman and that is why they don’t approach women – fear of rejection.
5. What are some of the best verbal ice breakers?
I noticed you from across the room and wanted to let you know I think you’re really pretty. A woman might say, “Hi” my name is: “so and so”, I wanted to say hello. Men prefer to approach women by complimenting them, and then walk on unless they are invited to stay.
6. How do you determine if someone is not interested in you?
They offer one word answers. They look around the room rather than at me directly. They don’t make eye contact. They’re not smiling. They have a closed physical stance. They say no either directly or with their body language.
7. In your opinion, what is the hardest part of dating?
Guessing what the other person is thinking. Wondering where I stand. Not knowing if the other person feels the same way about me as I do about them. Not knowing if the other person has other love interests besides me. It’s a big guessing game and it’s tough to now know where you stand and not being able to be so forward as to ask or demand the other persons loyalty or affection at the onset of the relationship. Communication is a big problem.
8. Describe all the attributes of your ideal “target”: In this order:
Intelligent. Quick witted. Easy going. Friendly. Great personality. Attractive. Into me. stable. Funny. Financially independent.
9. What are some characteristics or traits in a girl/guy that would scare you off from a second date? Addiction issues. Aggressiveness. Flirting with other people while with me. Bragging. Lying. Trying to “Keep up with the Joneses” and being superficial.
10. Why do you think you haven’t met your ideal mate yet?
Because I didn’t know myself. I was not yet the person I wanted to be and therefore couldn’t attract my ideal mate. I attract what I am and where I am in my life. My “luck” with love is something I create as I evolve as a person.
11. In a perfect world, how would dating work?
My date would adore me and compliment me profusely. They would tell me exactly how they feel about me and it would be all good information. They wouldn’t play games and wait to call me. I would know where they stand at all times. They wouldn’t be critical or judgmental and they would be completely accepting, loving and understanding. We would have great conversation, have an intense physical attraction and burning chemistry and we would never have to guess if the other person is “on board”. It would be easy and fun.
12. After a great first date, how many days should a guy wait to call the girl for a second date?
He should call her on the phone (no texting or email) the following day to tell her he had a wonderful time and would like to see her again. Maximum wait time would be 3 days. Any guy who calls a girl after a week is a schmuck.