Thefollowing questions were submitted by a single woman, who wondered how she might deal with her sense of purpose in life.
1.How do I achieve a sense of fulfillment in life? Fulfillment comes from within.So many seek outer validation and satisfaction through jobs, possessions, relationships and activities of one sort or another but they will never bring fulfillment until you find it within yourself.When you connect to your inner self, higher self, soul or whatever term works for you, you will know true joy and contentment.Once you are in that state, then the outer-directed activities and things become ways to express the joy you feel from within.It does not work the other way around.The outer expressions in your life will become more joyful and satisfying because you are expressing your true inner nature.However, you do not need the outer trappings when you are at one with your inner self.You will realize you are all you will ever need to be and you will no longer seek outward signs of your worth or value.You are whole and complete all by yourself.Once you understand that, then you are free to pursue relationships and career goals that come from the joyful, whole state of well-being that seeks expression of what comes from within rather than seeking these outer things to validate you or to make you feel complete.
2.)How can I feel inspired on my own path? Again, inspiration comes from within.It comes in those quiet times when you are not distracted by "busyness."You are constantly prompted from your inner self to follow certain paths, such as in the thoughts and dreams that seem to recur and tug at your heart.The activities that you feel drawn to and energized by are all signs that you are on your path.Check within often throughout your day.How do you feel?Are you feeling joyful and alive or drained and diminished?Seek out opportunities to find more of the joy and expansion, in whatever pursuits bring that to you.Your path will become apparent the more you honor your inner callings, which are based on your true state of joy and contentment.Do not allow fear and outer pressures to compromise your inner truth.Take risks and be willing to follow your heart and pursue that which brings joy and satisfaction. 3.)What does it mean to really love another? Love is your natural state.The inner self only knows love, which is felt in its state of pure joy and contentment.There is no striving, no struggle, no fear and no negativity.When you can truly access that pure state of love from within, then you will be able to express it with others.Most people have it all backwards.They think if only I had someone to love, then I will feel complete.It will never happen that way because it is only when you connect with your inner self and truly experience the infinite source of love, joy and contentment within that you can experience it with another.Then you are sharing the powerful force of love from its source, which is limitless, unconditional and fearless because it is always available from within.
4.)How does the love and commitment towards friends differ from that towards children, a partner. Love and commitment is the same for all relationships.Society has placed certain demands on different relationships but the essential truth is the same.When you are connected with your inner self, the unconditional love you feel will be available to everyone in your life.Ego based relationships tend to be much more difficult because there is often manipulation of others to get what you want.These are not true love relationships.When you find your source of love from within, you do not feel the need to manipulate or control others for your own purposes.The more you release the ego’s grip, the more you will find your needs are getting met and there is a genuine sharing of love with others.The commitments to friends, lovers and children are really the same.They are to come from your core self in that state of unconditional love to seek the best for them on their own paths.Some relationships will be short-term, others may be long-term but the key is to always honor and respect the other just the way they are and to support them on their paths, wherever it may take them and to honor and support yourself on whatever path you take as well.
5.)How does one have faith in one's own path, especially when it veers from thepath that one started out on? Faith in one’s path comes from honoring your truth from within.You will know when you are on your true path because you will feel joyful, expansive and alive.Do not allow the baggage of your past to keep you chained to your present situation.You have been influenced by so many others, from parents, teachers, society, that often you lose sight of what truly brings you joy.Just because you have done something for years or you have attained certain credentials does not mean you are doomed to remain in a situation that brings no joy or fulfillment.Let go of your fears and old tapes about “shoulds” and access the inner self, which only seeks to express joy and contentment in whatever form that takes for you.Do not fear the unknown.Rather embrace it as the limitless sea of potential waiting to be expressed.
6.)Why do I feel envy?Unfairness?How do I deal with these feelings?
Envy and feelings of unfairness are both ego-based emotions.When you learn to detach from the ego, you will find that eternal loving state within which is your true state.Let go of the ego’s grip and your life will begin to work.Your inner self knows it is loved, whole and complete as it is.It needs nothing from outside to prove its value or worth.We are all infinite beings with limitless potential.The more you can detach from the grip of the ego, the more you can access the sacred inner self within.From that state, you know you are complete and whole just the way you are and you do not resent others for what they have or do.You can access whatever you wish from within and that is where your power lies.Create all that you desire from within and allow others to do the same.