Resources: Books: Peck, M.Scott (1978) The Road Less Traveled. NY: Simon & Shuster. Describes a spiritual and psychological approach to managing the expected bumps in the road that are part of being human. Suggests that a spiritual framework and application of certain disciplines (e.g. delayed gratification, acceptance of responsibility, dedication to the truth, and balance) are the foundation of integrity and real love.
Gilbert, Elizabeth, Eat, Pray, Love: One Woman’s Search for Everything Across Italy, India and Indonesia, New York, Penguin Books (2006).After a bitter divorce and severe depression, the author travels to Italy, India and Bali in search of pleasure, spiritual enlightenment and balance in life. The journey is profound with many levels of self-discovery and new meaning to life revealed throughout her travel experience.
Fourth PresbyterianChurch has a wide variety of programs for education, worship, and outreach that appeal to single people in all age groups. For further information, you can