What is your date really thinking and wanting from you? On a recent Valentine's day, a group of Urban Singles gathered together to celebrate the occasion in a unique way- really talking in depth with other singles! In addition to being part of group interviews, several of the participants shared their thoughts about the times they love being single! Read their thoughts and add your own!
You Love the Times When You are Single...Tell Us Why?
Can sleep in on weekends and do laundry when I feel like it.
I can squeeze the toothpaste any way I want.
Freedom to do what I want and when I want.
Don't have to be happy or unhappy for somebody else when I'm not.
All Girl vacations with my friends.
There are no long negotiations about boxes and dirty dishes when the mess is all MINE!
I like coming home again.
Because I can flirt with others.
I don't have to sit through TV shows I don't like.
I can be powerful and not feel guilty.
I can be responsible and only have myself to blame.
Space in the closet!
I love time to write in my journal, undisturbed.
I don't feel trapped and miserable in a relationship that isn't working.
I don't have to compromise if I don't want to!!!
Don't have to take responsiblity for remembering the birthdays of someone else's family members.
House never gets messy.
Don't have to listen to the snoring.
Don't have to cook a 'proper' meal every evening.
Don't have to take responsibility for remembering the birthdays of someone else's family members
House never gets messy
Don't have to listen to the snoring (even through the wall if I'm in the spare room)
Don't have to oook a 'proper' meal every evening
A selection of comments from participants at the Valentine's Day Event and visitors to MSS